Anime Aftershocks: Afterwords on conventions, cosplay, karaoke, and crossdressing
by blueZhift
Anime Aftershocks chronicles the author’s adventures traveling to popular anime and comic book conventions in the Midwest and Eastern United States over a period of 6 years. Anime Aftershocks follows his evolution from casual photographer to karaoke singer, music video editor, and crossdressing cosplayer.
If you’re a guy who’s ever wanted to dress in drag for Halloween, or as Sailor Moon at an anime convention, then this is the guide for you. With straight talk and a sense of humor, Oh My!: A thinking man’s guide to crossplay will tell you what you need to know, but have been afraid to ask.
Rolled Up Dimensionality: Short stories from a forgotten life
by blueZhift
Rolled Up Dimensionality is a string of 5 Sci-Fi short stories and a collection of Japanese haiku inspired SF poetry. Bug eyed monsters, a half-naked tied up Asian girl, and a time traveling ninja open the collection in the farcical “Gracie Under Pressure.” Later stories include out of body vacationing, deadly training exercises, and the angst of the void.
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